Well, we've made it through four years. Two of them as students, two as parents, and all of them with hard work and plenty of fun.
We took some nice photos at the park by our house on that special anniversary, but of course not everyone in the family understood the significance of such and important date and so the photos are generally informal, off centered, or taken by Miriam, who really likes to take other people's pictures saying "uno, tres, dos, ya!"
Charles is the stand-out in this photo with his lighter hair and blue eyes, it's a good thing we know our genealogy, or we might've been wondering where such a fair child came from.
I've noticed that so many of my US friends, especially from my time as a youth in Ohio, have great blogs that they update regularly. I guess there's just not as much of blogging culture going on in Spain, but I've decided to give it another try. Right now both babies are napping, the perfect time to blog, as well as all the hundred other things I feel like I can't do while they're awake. Gotta go hang up some more laundry, before I forget again!
We'll be in the US, in Ohio, from November 20th through December 7th. We look forward to seeing all the good friends and family members who are expecting us, and even those who are dreading it... heheh... See you soon!